Life is Short, Touch Yourself: A Quick Guide to Solo Pleasure

Solo pleasure, as the term suggests, refers to engaging in sexual activities…

HIV vs. AIDS: What is the Difference?

HIV infection and AIDS are distinct conditions and carry different diagnostic criteria.…

5 Facts About Vaginal Discharge Every Woman Should Know

Vaginal discharge, despite causing embarrassment or worry for some, is an essential…

What is Sexual Dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction is a common problem among many people, both men and…

7 Tips for Getting Pregnant Faster

What should you do – or not do – to help increase your chances of getting pregnant ASAP?

What Are Some Lesbian Pregnancy Options?

Lesbian who want to get pregnant have many options depending on their…

Have Lupus? What to Know About Birth Control

Autoimmune disorders like lupus affect which contraceptive options are safe and effective…

What is Prenatal Anxiety?

Pregnancy brings many changes, and in some cases, anxiety may occur or worsen. Complications during a person’s pregnancy can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. However, there is a range of treatments that may help.