How to Fall Asleep in 10, 60, or 120 Seconds

Relaxation techniques, visualization exercises, and improving your sleep hygiene are some methods that may help you fall asleep faster.

There are several techniques that can potentially assist in achieving quicker sleep onset, including relaxation methods, visualization exercises, and enhancing your sleep hygiene practices.

It is estimated that approximately one in three individuals in the United States suffer from sleep deprivation. The recommended amount of sleep varies depending on age, but most people require a minimum of seven hours of sleep within a 24-hour period.

Sleep deprivation can have negative impacts on both mental and physical well-being, including constant fatigue, restlessness, irritability, decreased cognitive performance, difficulty concentrating and remembering, heightened risk of depression and anxiety, as well as an increased susceptibility to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Interestingly, the act of putting too much effort into falling asleep can create a cycle of anxious and nerve-wracking energy that hinders sleep. When the mind struggles to sleep, the body often follows suit.

Before attempting to fall asleep, there are three crucial factors to consider: sleep hygiene, bedroom environment, and daytime activities. By addressing these factors and ensuring they are well-managed, you can improve your chances of falling asleep. However, if you still find it challenging to do so, we have a few anecdotal methods that may help you transition into a restful state.

10 seconds

Typically, falling asleep quickly and precisely seems like something that can only be achieved through a magical spell. However, with practice, it is possible to reach the sweet spot of falling asleep within just 10 seconds.

The Military Method

The military method, which has recently gained attention thanks to Sharon Ackman’s article on Medium, originated from Lloyd Bud Winter’s book titled “Relax and Win: Championship Performance” published in 1981.

During World War II, Winter devised a relaxation technique that allegedly helped U.S. Navy preflight school airmen fall asleep within 120 seconds. The high levels of stress and sleep deprivation these individuals experienced had negatively impacted their judgment, reasoning, and decision-making abilities.

Although it required nearly six weeks of practice, pilots reportedly achieved a remarkable success rate of 96%, even while drinking coffee and being exposed to gunfire.

It’s worth noting that these claims lack scientific research to support them, and the method itself takes a full 120 seconds to complete. However, the final 10 seconds are believed to be the crucial window for achieving sleep.

If you find that the military method does not work for you, it may be beneficial to focus on the fundamental components of the technique: breathing and muscle relaxation. It’s important to note that certain conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or anxiety, can potentially hinder the effectiveness of this method. In such cases, it may be necessary to explore alternative strategies or consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

60 seconds

According to a trusted source, slow breathing, sleep hygiene practices, and relaxation techniques may prove more effective in addressing insomnia compared to certain conventional pharmaceutical treatments.

The following two methods aim to calm the mind by focusing on breath control and muscle relaxation. It’s important to note that if you are new to these techniques, it may take up to two minutes for them to take effect.

4-7-8 Breathing Method

This particular breathing technique was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil, an integrative medicine physician, and draws inspiration from pranayama exercises. With regular practice, this meditation and visualization technique may become increasingly effective in facilitating sleep onset.

If you have a respiratory condition like asthma or COPD, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting this method, as it has the potential to exacerbate symptoms.

To begin, position the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your two front teeth. Maintain this tongue placement throughout the exercise, and if necessary, purse your lips.

When you are ready to inhale again, a new cycle will commence. Aim to complete four complete cycles of this breathing pattern. However, if you start experiencing a sense of relaxation before completing the four cycles, allow your body to naturally transition into sleep. Listen to your body’s cues and let the relaxation guide you into sleep, even if it occurs before finishing the full four cycles.

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR), also referred to as deep muscle relaxation, can assist you in unwinding and promoting a state of relaxation.

The technique involves intentionally tensing your muscles, without exerting excessive strain, and subsequently releasing the tension to induce a sense of calmness throughout your body. This practice can be beneficial in managing insomnia.

Before initiating PMR, it is helpful to visualize the tension leaving your body as you exhale during the 4-7-8 breathing method. This combination of techniques can work synergistically to enhance the effectiveness of relaxation and promote a more restful sleep.

During the process of performing PMR or deep muscle relaxation, it is important to direct your focus towards the sensation of relaxation and the feeling of heaviness in your body while in this state of deep relaxation. By consciously acknowledging and embracing these sensations, you can enhance the overall relaxation experience and promote a deeper sense of calmness throughout your body.

120 seconds

If the previously mentioned methods do not yield the desired results for you, it may be worth exploring the following alternatives:

Tell yourself to Stay Awake

Individuals with insomnia may find that attempting to fall asleep can actually exacerbate performance anxiety related to sleep. However, recent research from 2021 indicates that a technique called paradoxical intention (PI) may aid in reducing sleep performance anxiety and enhancing the perception of feeling well-rested after sleep.

PI involves intentionally staying awake in bed, which aims to help individuals overcome the fear and conscious effort associated with falling asleep. This method may prove more effective compared to traditional intentional breathing practices. Nevertheless, it is important to note that research on this technique remains limited at this time.

Visualize a Calm Place

If counting proves to be too stimulating for you, engaging your imagination can be a preferable alternative for promoting sleep.

A study conducted by the University of Oxford in 2002 discovered that individuals who employed “imagery distraction” techniques were able to fall asleep more quickly compared to those who used general distraction methods or had no specific instructions.

By directing your thoughts towards vivid and calming imagery, you can effectively divert your mind away from racing thoughts or worries, allowing yourself to enter a relaxed state conducive to sleep.

Acupressure for Sleep

According to a 2019 meta-analysis, it is suggested that acupressure may have a modest impact in reducing sleep onset time, improving sleep efficiency, and increasing sleep duration. However, it is important to note that the research on the effectiveness of acupressure for sleep-related issues is still limited.

There are specific pressure points that are believed to be particularly beneficial in promoting faster sleep onset. While the effectiveness may vary for individuals, these points could be worth exploring.

1. Spirit gate

2. Inner frontier gate

3. Wind pool

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Fall Asleep ASAP?

To facilitate falling asleep quickly, it is important to establish and maintain healthy sleeping habits. This includes maintaining a consistent sleep routine, turning off electronic devices, creating a comfortable, quiet, and dark sleeping environment, and practicing healthy habits during the day such as getting sufficient sunlight, engaging in physical activity, and limiting caffeine intake.

How to Fall Asleep in 10, 60, or 120 Seconds

If these initial steps do not yield the desired results, various relaxation and visualization methods can be explored. These include techniques such as the military method, 4-7-8 breathing method, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), paradoxical intention, visualization, and acupressure. Trying these methods may help in promoting a more restful and efficient sleep experience.

Why can’t I Sleep at Night?

There are various psychological and physiological factors that can make it difficult to fall asleep at night. These may include:

– Stress, anxiety, or depression: Mental health conditions can disrupt sleep and make it harder to fall asleep.

– Poor sleeping environment: Factors such as excessive light, loud noises, or an uncomfortable bed can hinder the ability to fall asleep.

– Lifestyle habits: Consuming excessive amounts of caffeine, not getting enough sunlight or exercise, and spending excessive time on electronic devices can negatively impact sleep.

– Medications: Certain medications can interfere with sleep patterns and make it harder to fall asleep.

Identifying and addressing these factors can help improve sleep quality and make it easier to fall asleep at night.

Why am I Tired but can’t Fall Asleep?

Experiencing difficulty falling asleep can be extremely frustrating, particularly when you’re already tired. There are several potential reasons for this, including:

– Disrupted circadian rhythm: When your internal body clock is out of sync, it can make it challenging to fall asleep at the desired time.

– Daytime napping: Taking naps during the day can interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night.

– Stress, anxiety, or depression: Psychological factors can significantly impact sleep and make it difficult to initiate sleep.

– Excessive electronic device usage: Spending too much time on electronic devices, especially close to bedtime, can disrupt sleep patterns.

– Excessive caffeine consumption or late-night eating: Consuming caffeine too close to bedtime or eating large meals late in the evening can interfere with falling asleep.

Identifying and addressing these factors, such as establishing a regular sleep schedule, managing stress levels, limiting electronic device use before bed, and moderating caffeine and late-night eating, can help improve the ability to fall asleep more easily.

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